Collision 2016 Recap

By Justin Young

It turned out there was a lot of bad press surrounding Collision, the so-called “anti-CES” event designed to bring together tech titans, startups, investors, and the media. There were 2016-05-05 14-00-37
about the cost to startups, about the event being a waste of time, about the lack of any useful outcome. For an example, see Jason Bloomberg’s Forbes article on the topic. Or search Quora. And although the following quote was written about SXSW, the sentiment was often the same when it came to Collision:

There will be tens of thousands of people there. They will be there mostly to network, go to parties, and hang out. They are not there to “discover the next cool SXSW app.” You are a shitty little startup. You have $10,000 to spend. Actually, you don’t. But you’re planning to do so anyways. (

Read the entire article at


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