By Building Business Capability
In anticipation of his presentation at Building Business Capability in Vegas, Oct 31, – Nov. 4, 2016, we asked Jason Bloomberg, President at Intellyx, a few questions about pursuing business excellence. Check out his interview in relation to his BBC presentation entitled, The Customer Journey, Digital Transformation, and You.
Q: In what ways is Intellyx helping enterprises pursue business excellence?
A: Many organizations struggling with digital transformation have the mistaken belief that digital transformation has a conclusion – that at some point you’ll be digitally transformed. The core message at Intellyx is Agile Digital Transformation – the belief that organizations must establish change as a core competency as a result of their transformation efforts, as change is ongoing.
Q: Can you describe the challenges your audience faces in establishing more robust business capabilities for their organizations?
A: Perhaps the greatest challenge is realizing that while digital transformation means that customer preferences and behavior are driving enterprise technology decisions, those decisions impact the organization end-to-end, front office and back office, organizationally as well as technologically.
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