Context changes your perspective. And you’ll need it to become a digital leader.
Upcoming Webinar: Nov 9, 2016 | 12:00 PT, 3:00 PM ET
Join Rocana CEO, Omer Trajman and Intellyx President, Jason Bloomberg as they discuss how correlating business metrics across all dimensions provides the context needed to power digital transformation.
The first step in shaping the future is having a clear understanding of the here and now; knowing the root cause of symptoms in order to solve for them, and seeing across all dimensions to have better context for where to go next.
Total visibility is the foundation of digital transformation. Without the ability to see everything in full context, it’s tough to be strategic. Most organizations capture and monitor less than 10% of their event log data. Which means 90% of data is lost before it even has a chance to impact the business. 90%!
Learn how capturing, analyzing, and retaining ALL of your data can provide the context you need to power digital transformation, and give your organization the knowledge they need to shape the future.
Click here to register for this webinar.