By Jonathan Dame
Orion’s voice-powered platform is remarkably more advanced than the first generation of push-to-talk technologies for cellphones, said Jason Bloomberg, president of Intellyx, an analyst firm focused on agile digital transformations based in Suffolk, Va. And its potential benefits for enterprises extend well beyond the mimicking of walkie-talkies, he said.
“The overall strategy is to bring voice control, broadly speaking, to enterprise scenarios,” Bloomberg said. “You can think of what Orion is doing as less about push-to-talk, per se; it’s really more of a voice-driven enterprise collaboration and workflow platform.”
The Orion platform integrates with business and collaboration applications,as well as Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana and Amazon’s Alexa. It allows users to add bots to group communication channels with functionalities such as real-time language translation. Another draw, Bloomberg said, is its GPS tracking, which displays the location of each team member on an interactive map.
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