An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief
The word ‘quantum’ appears in several beyond-cutting-edge disruptive technologies currently in the works: quantum computing, quantum cryptography, quantum entanglement, and the one that Quantum Xchange delivers: quantum key distribution (QKD).
Quantum computing ups the game for QKD, as researchers expect quantum computers to easily crack today’s best encryption. However, given that commercially useful quantum computing is still several years out, such a use case for QKD is also well in the future.
However, Quantum Xchange can provide unbreakable encryption today, leveraging its technology for increasing the distance secure messages can travel up to several hundred kilometers.
By sending single photons over dark fiber in parallel with traditionally encrypted data, Quantum Xchange is able to guarantee the confidentiality of the encrypted message – even against a future attack on an intercepted and saved message that uses as-yet developed technology to break the best encryption available at this time.
Use cases for QKD are still narrow, as the technology is expensive, point-to-point, and limited to a few hundred kilometers – but the important takeaway is that this technology is commercially available today.
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