People think AI is creepy… here’s why they’re wrong – it’s all about understanding machine learning

By Clickatell

Making use of artificial intelligence (AI) is very likely a positive move for your company. If you do it the right way, that is. Understanding machine learning and applications of artificial intelligence can be tricky and, without any doubt, there’s a right way and a wrong way to deal with these new technologies. Do it right and you’ll gain loyal customers for life, do it wrong and you’ve just lost those potential sources of revenue for your business.

One of the biggest issues that consumers have with AI is that they don’t understand how it reaches its decision. It’s not an easy concept for the human brain to grasp.

Writing for Forbes, digital transformation consultant Jason Bloomberg calls this the “black box” problem – “if people don’t know how AI comes up with its decisions, they won’t trust it”. To begin to combat this, the US Department of Defense is spending some of its dollars in Explainable AI (XAI), Bloomberg says. Understanding machine learning and AI is especially important for future warfighters. With lives at stake, they need to understand and trust why the systems they are using recommend a certain action.

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