Psst: Your Cloud Utilization Sucks! Why Automation is Critical to Cloud Optimization

Article in CISOMAG by Jason Bloomberg, President, Intellyx

Nothing personal, but your cloud utilization sucks. Of course, so does everyone else’s.

Trying to manually select the perfect EC2 instance type (or similar for clouds other than AWS) is impossible.

There are many different permutations to consider. Application demands change based on customer whims, seasons, business cycles, and other external forces – and such change is incessant.

Simply put, manual cloud planning simply doesn’t work in today’s modern, cloud-first environments. It leads to massive over-provisioning. And remember, you don’t pay for what you use in the cloud, you pay for what you provision.

There is a better way, of course – leveraging machine learning to optimize instance type selections in real-time, automatically.

It’s time for your cloud utilization not to suck.

Why Your Cloud Utilization Sucks

Remember the good old days of capacity planning, circa 2002? Figure out the maximum load a server might have and size said server based on the assumption that the peak load could occur at any time.

Good old days for the server vendors and colocation facilities, to be sure. They loved selling you excess capacity your actual utilization would never consume. Easy money for them.

Then along came the cloud and changed everything, right? Now you could provision precisely what you needed. No more low server utilization numbers. Your cloud instances fit your traffic patterns like a thousand-dollar suit.

Read the entire article at

At the time of writing, Densify is an Intellyx customer.