Modernization: The Old Way and the New Way

For many years, legacy modernization was a black or white affair: either rip out all the old technology and start afresh or make do with it, layering new technology onto old to extend its useful lifetime. Afraid of the risks of the first option, most IT executives opted for the second, for better or worse.

Today, two epic changes have transformed this dichotomy: first, technology has fundamentally improved, offering IT executives a wider range of choices. And second: digital transformation priorities have upped the ante on legacy modernization.

In the digital era, enterprises simply cannot afford to keep aging legacy technology around. But falling into the older, black-and-white way of thinking about modernization is a false solution.

Only by leveraging key modern technology and approaches like cloud computing, DevOps, and enterprise low-code platforms can organizations achieve the goals of legacy modernization while managing the risks inherent in such a transformation.

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