Whitepaper: Process and Performance Mining in the Digital Era

Whitepaper Introduction by Mickey Farrance, Bonitasoft

As enterprises’ view of business processes evolve from static, rote sequences of tasks to a dynamic, customer-focused context, so too do the business process management (BPM) platforms that help such organizations manage and automate those processes.critical – and thus, ensuring the performance of those processes is now of paramount importance.Intellyx White Paper - Bonitasoft Process Mining

As companies progress with their digital transformation initiatives, taking a customer-focused view of business processes becomes mission critical – and thus, ensuring the performance of those processes is now of paramount importance.

However, traditional business activity mining (BAM) and process mining techniques that seek to discern patterns from application event logs fall short of delivering on the real-time performance insights that organizations require to manage such processes.

To address this challenge, Bonitasoft offers process performance mining within its BPM platform – giving organizations the ability to gain the real-time visibility into process performance they require to ensure processes meet their business goals.

Furthermore, via the use of machine learning, Bonitasoft can also make predictions about potential process issues before they occur, thus enabling enterprises to establish feedback loops that empower them to continually optimize their business processes.

Read this paper by Jason Bloomberg of Intellyx to learn more about how performance mining and intelligent processes support business innovation.

Read the entire article at https://www.bonitasoft.com/library/process-performance-mining-digital-era