Visure Solutions: Hard-driving requirements for high-compliance embedded software

Visure logo - IntellyxAn Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

Visure Solutions offers application lifecycle and requirements management software to help engineers deal with the stickiest of problems: documenting and delivering releases within the tight regulatory and compliance tolerances of embedded systems in automobiles, medical devices, airplanes, tools and so on.

The rest of the software development world may think about ALM or RM in the context of waterfall development cycles of the previous millenium, before agile development practices came into vogue. But in the device world, ‘moving fast and breaking things’ is not an option.

Failing to account for factors such as physical design and machine-level dependencies prior to documenting and mapping delivery of embedded software can be an incredibly costly mistake to correct. Not just in terms of potentially flawed products and liability, but in the massive effort of backing out requirements to bring a complex integrated product up to snuff for compliance.

Visure uses machine learning and document inspection to check the quality and detail relevance of requirements and artifacts, then provides a collaboration environment for managing delivery progress, gateways and dependencies. Customers can integrate processes with their teamwork and testing tools of choice.

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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug