Financial firms prepare to be tested by an Open Banking Future

Open Banking parasoft blogBanker’s hours? That cliche will soon be retired. We now demand nothing less than 24/7 direct application-layer access to banking services that put customer experience at the front of the line, every time. What is Open Banking, why does it matter, and how do we test it?

The global financial industry is hurtling toward a future state of Open Banking. The banks that succeed here will revolutionize their own service interface, exposing API-level controls so third-party apps and new fintech services can look up accounts, move funds, and confirm transactions without even visiting the bank’s branch, website, or mobile app.

But are banks, and the new startups leaning on them to support their businesses, ready to be tested by this Open Banking transformation?

A regulatory mandate for openness

Governments are also pushing for Open Banking on behalf of their citizens. After new PSD2 regulations went into effect in 2018 in Europe, several large US institutions such as Citi, Wells Fargo and Visa followed suit and are getting in on the act.

It would be easy to interpret such initiatives as a competitive challenge to the hegemony of the world’s largest banks. Open Banking provides the ability for new startups to disintermediate the customer experience, offer slicker new commercial apps and fintech for mobile payments, micro-loans, credit, investment, insurance and more. 

A customer-centric transformation happens in every industry — so banks should embrace this overdue change as an opportunity to step up with even better services, and showcase the speed, reliability and funding options that make them special.

Open Banking has already taken hold in Asia and Africa, where customers leapfrogged much of the middle tier of online banking and jumped straight to common adoption of mobile micro-credit and payment apps like WePay. If banks underserve a market, who can blame customers for finding a better way?

Like Europe’s GDPR privacy mandate, this initiative will likely be a leading indicator for financial industry guidelines and regulations the United States adopts. Citizens want more openness among banks to put more choices and better services in the hands of banking customers with greater ease.

The API-based bank opportunity

Banks have traditionally been among the largest buyers of software and technology services, and at the same time, among the slowest to change. If anything, this movement has brought a resurgence to API-based integration activity, as the services we once expected of banks will start to live in a set of APIs.

But before a bank can open itself up to developers at a Mint, Venmo or Square — or any future fintech startup, their API access needs to be proven to function properly under stress before it becomes part of the customer experience. 

Testing of APIs is critical here, so banks should eliminate any hurdles to agile testing, including complex processes such as providing a ‘wall of code specs’ for developers and testers to decipher, and an indistinct method of customer authentication using tools like OAuth and a constellation of other user verification methods.

Well-designed and documented APIs must be offered in a transparent way that works faithfully for validation purposes, but masks private (PII) information so unauthorized service providers and developers never need access to private data.

Complexity under the open hood

APIs are mature technology, but they are still far from standardized. There are vendor tools for API management and integration, and open source API specifications like Swagger or Scala. Or discover some API libraries that are specific to underlying business systems.

What happens if a development team changes some aspect of an API and ‘breaks’ services that depend on it? It’s apparent we can’t take success for granted over time.

Open Banking also by nature leverages open source code and components, offering both quality positives and negatives.

On the positive side, open source puts cool capabilities like containers and continuous integration tools like Jenkins in the hands of developers to accelerate builds and delivery. The best open source is battle-tested by a global community, often more rigorously than commercial software over time.

On the negative side, open source can bring along an incredible amount of borrowed code and different versions of downloaded components, coming from repositories that are not always updated to patch new vulnerabilities. This isn’t a science experiment, it is a business-class problem, so who can banks call on if things aren’t working right?

To address this challenge, banks will need to raise awareness that API testing isn’t only a pre-delivery event, it is a continuous customer journey validation process, requiring enterprise-class testing and simulation.

As you advance from single API unit testing with open tools like Postman, you will eventually realize the need for testing interactions of multiple APIs and applications across multi-system workflows. Sophisticated scenario-based testing is possible with a tool like Parasoft SOAtest, which can headlessly exercise a workflow that crosses multiple service APIs, with or without a client UI for testing.

A virtual sandbox for data and services 

The last step to ensuring success in a 24/7 Open Banking world is making API services and data available for 24/7 testing without constraints by all partners. Obviously, we don’t want to burden our live banking services with routine dev/test abuse, so what can we do here?

We’ve often seen the idea of ‘regulatory sandboxes’ used in the context of private enterprises working with governmental bodies to design and legally test out a given business use case within the context of emerging laws.

For Open Banking, this sandbox means setting up a virtual environment for developers to work within as they prototype and test their services against the bank’s APIs and stateful datasets, without impacting the real environment where ongoing customer transactions are conducted.

The APIs, services and data can be modeled from definitions, or captured and played back from live services and data, much like a DVR records television programs, into a ‘virtual service’ using a solution like Parasoft’s Virtualize in conjunction with test data tools.

In this case, a virtual environment is better than the real one for development and testing, as virtualized data can even be simulated to respond statefully as if a customer’s session is maintained, as well as populated with exceptions to represent edge conditions, spikes or failures that would be nearly impossible to reproduce and test against the real world systems.

The Intellyx Take

Open the vault. Let the world have a look inside, but do it safely.

In modern testing terms, that means we are exercising bank software without a screen, headlessly at the API layer. We are leveraging both proprietary and open source software, with the safety of enterprise-class testing. We are simulating services and underlying test data to prevent private data from leaking into the wrong hands.

The financial sector is ripe for a new round of technology disruption that puts customers first, ultimately giving them choice and control over how they interact with banks. In the approaching new normal of an Open Banking world, the API is the product. Firms that take ownership of a quality API development and test experience for service partners will be ideally positioned to realize competitive success.

© 2019 Intellyx LLC. At the time of writing, Parasoft was an Intellyx client. Intellyx retains full editorial control over this content. Image credits: Flickr open source, Dennis Jarvis, Small Access Door, Torkild Redtvet, Server room.

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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug