Kubernetes heralds the cloud-native era

If you haven’t been paying attention to the world of enterprise IT infrastructure, you may have missed the sudden rise of Kubernetes to a position of absolute domination.

It seems that containers themselves are still wet behind the years. But at the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s KubeCon + CloudNativeCon, held in Barcelona, Spain, last month, it was patently obvious that containers are here to stay. Kubernetes has handily won the container orchestrator wars.

Such rapid dominance is unusual. Gray-hairs like me will recall the Internet protocol wars of the early ’90s, when the battles among contenders such as NetWare and Token Ring dragged on for years before TCP/IP finally won out.

And let us not forget the UNIX wars of the dot-com era, as vendors positioned one flavor over another until eventually the open-source dark horse, Linux, surprisingly came to dominate.

The main reason TCP/IP, Linux, and now Kubernetes won their respective battles is the fact that widespread agreement on foundational infrastructure technology is good for everyone. But the business advantages of picking a winner don’t explain the remarkable velocity that Kubernetes exhibited on the way to the container orchestrator brass ring.

Here’s how Kubernetes is heralding a new era in systems architecture: cloud-native computing.

Read the entire article at https://techbeacon.com/enterprise-it/kubernetes-heralds-cloud-native-era.

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation partially covered Jason Bloomberg’s expenses at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon, a standard industry practice.