Customer Experience at the Intersection of Content Management, Business Process Management, and Governance

When you think about governance, business process, or content management, what do you think of? If you’re like most people who work in large organizations, chances are you think of a mélange of morale-killing, productivity-sinking software products that limit the flexibility and agility of the very people they’re supposed to support.

The problem: whenever it’s important for an organization to follow some set of rules or guidelines for how they get their work done, whether it be for regulatory compliance purposes or simply to keep everyone on the same page, we typically end up with a mix of unproductive software that reinforces organizational silos to the detriment of the organization and its customers.

The good news: it doesn’t have to be like this anymore.

True, the software you can now buy in each category – governance, business process management (BPM) and enterprise content management (ECM) have improved over the years, sometimes dramatically.

But the real story here isn’t just about better software (although improved software is unquestionably part of the solution). The real story is how organizations are rethinking the entire notion of customer experience, and how a next-generation approach that brings governance, BPM, and ECM into a single, streamlined platform can facilitate better customer experiences – without the morale-killing side effects of earlier generations of software.

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