Device42: The more IT you have, the more it can discover

Device42 logoAn Intellyx BrainCandy Brief

In this Hybrid IT world, software and infrastructure take on an ephemeral form. Workloads could be running anywhere, virtual devices can spin up and seemingly disappear in an instant, and much of the operational and user interaction with software becomes highly abstracted.

Device42 steps into this morass of chaotic interdependency with a discovery solution that aims to bring rational order to the complex enterprise IT estate.

Their agentless virtual appliance takes a complete inventory of just about anything running in a distributed computing environment: from on-premises physical hardware, through OS layers, hypervisors and containers, through networks and installed software packages, to databases, services and hybrid cloud resources.

Besides this universal discovery capability, Device42’s secret sauce seems to be the ability to interpret these complex system interactions into ‘Affinity Groups’ that can map the relationships between the collected inventory with a particular human workgroup or business function. 

So an ITSM group can get one lens into service levels and utilization, while the SIEM or SecOps team sees all systems under management, and the CI/CD development squad or DevOps API integration group gets their own view of the complete release pipeline as it exists.

The company today announced the addition of direct integration with Azure Migrate to its raft of cloud-native discovery assistants for Azure, AWS and Google Cloud.

©2019 Intellyx LLC. Intellyx advises companies on their digital transformation initiatives, and helps vendors communicate their agility stories. At the time of this writing, Microsoft (Azure) is a former Intellyx customer. None of the other organizations mentioned in this article are Intellyx customers. To be considered for a Brain Candy article, email us at


Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug