Environment Consistency: Essential for Cloud-Native Computing

By Jason Bloomberg

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Immutable infrastructure is a core tenet of DevOps. Instead of configuring environments manually, the story goes, we represent them as a manifest or some other declarative representation.

Our DevOps tooling is then able to build the entire environment from scratch simply by following the manifest – and furthermore, every time we provision an environment, it turns out exactly the same as every other time.

At least, that’s a high-level picture of how the ‘cattle, not pets’ theory of immutable infrastructure is supposed to work. Look more closely, however, and cracks soon develop in its seamless façade.

A Proliferation of Environments

There are many reasons why supposedly identical environments aren’t quite the same. The most obvious: differences among dev, test, staging, and production environments.

Ideally, the code we place in each environment is identical to the others, but there will necessarily be differences in infrastructure – differences that subtly impact the code we write.

The second problem: just because an environment’s infrastructure is immutable doesn’t mean it never changes. ‘Immutability’ in this context means that we make changes by reprovisioning – but there are several reasons why we might want to do just that.

For example, we may want to tweak our manifest and reprovision to account to include a security patch or an updated version of a library or any number of other reasons.

If we were working alone, these updates might not be a problem – but what if we’re in a large organization with multiple development teams working in parallel? One team may want to reprovision an environment unbeknownst to other teams – or even if they know what’s going on, they may not be ready for the new library or patched software.

We may also have a situation where we have multiple supposedly identical environments for horizontal scalability purposes, either as part of a traditional autoscaling group, or in order to support clustering. In either situation, we want to avoid drift – the fact that patches or other small changes can bring supposedly identical environments into an inconsistent state.

Read the entire article here.