JFrog: A modern destination for DevOps artifacts

JFrog logo - IntellyxAn Intellyx BrainCandy Brief

If you are looking for a healthy DevOps practice, look for a healthy asset repository. Frequently updated, well packaged and documented, readily available binaries are part of the muscle memory of any agile continuous delivery organization.

JFrog is aiming to be that ‘database of DevOps’ with their commercial open-source Artifactory solution as a core gathering point for all of the massive ‘dirty bits’ – the large code and data binaries development and operations teams constantly tap.

The company recently announced a free JFrog Container Registry edition for developers to start storing Docker instances, health charts and Kubernetes pods earlier in their cloud-native journeys.

Customers seeking additional scale and support can license Artifactory and self-install, or leverage JFrog’s managed SaaS and cloud marketplace artifact repository offerings.

© 2019 Intellyx. At the time of writing, JFrog is not an Intellyx customer. None of the other vendors mentioned here are Intellyx clients. Want to see more BrainCandy? Subscribe today. If you are a vendor seeking coverage from Intellyx, please contact us at PR@intellyx.com.


Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug