MachineMetrics: The digital factory edge of IIoT

MachineMetrics logo\An Intellyx BrainCandy Brief

Did you know that the average utilization rate for industrial production equipment is less than 30 percent? You’d think in today’s post-Kanban/TPS report age of the supply chain, the machines would do better than this, if only we could talk to them.

As it turns out, MachineMetrics has just the thing to answer the command and control lag time problem: an Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) platform that connects live equipment on the factory floor to analytics, reporting, production scheduling and maintenance application workflows.

The company provides a cloud-based connectivity and integration service layer that integrates to several leading ERP and newer advanced planning tools, feeding live metrics back to the manager’s platform of choice for analytics and optimization, as well as predictive maintenance and parts replacement alerts.

What’s cool here is on the machine side, where little green MachineMetrics wireless edge devices can be installed and adapted to interact with the equipment’s sensor and control planes to turn even older machines into first-class digital participants in cloud-based software and data analysis workflows.

While some small-to-mid-size manufacturers can buy the combined IIoT solution directly, larger equipment, software and system integration firms often OEM or resell this functionality as part of their own solutions.

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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug