Agile software development is dead. Deal with it

In February 2001, 17 middle-aged white guys came together at a Utah resort and hammered out the Manifesto for Agile Software Development. And lo, Agile was born.

In the intervening 19 years, organizations of all sizes, from the largest enterprises to the nimblest of startups have attempted to follow the principles of Agile. Agile – spelled with the deific capital A – has informed methodologies, framed transformational business strategies and, in some quarters, achieved the highfalutin status of religious dogma.

Yet even with all this attention on the value Agile is supposed to provide, people still struggle to put it into practice. Achieving the goals of Agile has remained so elusive, in fact, that “Agile” has lost all meaning in some quarters, having become nothing but an empty marketing buzzword.

One fact that everyone can agree on, however: It has been 19 years now since the white-guy crew wrote the Manifesto – and little if anything in the technology world lasts that long. It’s no surprise, therefore, that Agile has outgrown its usefulness.

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None of the organizations mentioned in this article is an Intellyx customer.