The Two Trends that Will Shape the Future of ITSM

By Charles Araujo

In case you don’t know me, I’m a long-time ITSMer. I like to say that I was doing IT service management (ITSM) before I knew it had a name. But over the years, I’ve also become a bit disillusioned about the state of things and I’ve spent more and more of my time focusing on digital transformation and other emerging trends — and trying to determine where all of this change was leading us.

It would seem, however, my worlds have collided a bit, and I believe that what I’m working on today will have a tremendous impact on the world of ITSM. If you’ve read any of my recent work or seen one of my recent keynotes, then you’ll know that I think that we’re in the midst of a fundamental sea-change – a time in which nearly everything we know about how the world works will change.

We’re in the midst of a fundamental sea-change – a time in which nearly everything we know about how the world works will change, says @charlesaraujo. #ITSM

But if this is the case, then the very first question you should be asking yourself is why?

I mean, how can you possibly prepare for this new future if you don’t begin by understanding what has precipitated all of this change in the first place.

So, let’s start there. I believe that there are two macro trends that are converging and that this convergence is the source of all this change.

Read the entire article here.