Snapt: Cloud-Native Application Delivery with Massive Scale

An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

First there were hardware load balancers: network equipment that would direct traffic on corporate networks in order to spread the load and avoid single points of failure.

Then came the application delivery controllers (ADCs): either hardware or software products that did everything load balancers did, plus serving as web application firewalls (WAFs), web accelerators, and perhaps a handful of other functions.

Today, Snapt offers a next-generation, cloud-native ADC that moves the ball well forward. The company leverages important cloud-native best practices including configuration-driven, as-a-Service delivery; separation of control and data planes; and AI-driven automation in order to deliver a massively scalable, software-only ADC fabric. In addition, Its ADCs can go anywhere – in the cloud, on-premises, or on the edge.

Under the covers, Snapt has implemented a communications protocol that tunnels through HTTPS that offers full multiplexing – similar to WebSockets’ full duplex, only to any number of endpoints.

The combination of this high-performance protocol with its cloud-native software capabilities enables Snapt customers to deploy tens of thousands of ADCs or more in a fully resilient, fully configurable application delivery fabric.

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