GeneXus: Low-Code and 4GL for Code Generation Across Languages and Environments

An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

GeneXus combines a model-driven, platform-independent fourth-generation language (4GL) with low-code workflow capabilities to generate applications across multiple languages, databases, and environments.

Many low-code tools take a code generation approach to creating applications. GeneXus is in this category, but differentiates itself on the variety of languages it can generate, from legacy languages like RPC on the AS/400 (IBM i) platform, to Java, .NET Core, and a range of other modern languages.

GeneXus also automatically generates SQL database configurations across a number of relational databases as well as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, thus creating ready-to-install distributed applications from the same abstracted model-based description.

Developers can deploy GeneXus-generated applications on-premises or in their choice of cloud, and such applications can also incorporate cloud-based AI services in order to support a wide variety of AI-based use cases.

While GeneXus expects professional developers to be the primary users of its tools, it doesn’t expect those developers to make changes to the generated code directly. Instead, updates and fixes take place within the 4GL and its associated model – a pattern that is essential for any code generation-based model-driven low-code platform.

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