Rookout: Drop-in production-to-source code defect diagnostics

Rookout logo - Intellyx BrainCandyAn Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

In a world full of static analysis, testing and monitoring tools, there’s been a lot of attention paid recently by the DevOps community toward establishing observability of the inner workings of applications in production, in order to determine the root causes of problems and improve resiliency. 

Rookout is a new player in this arena claiming to peel the observability onion a layer further to offer deeper understandability of software as it runs in production. Utilizing a ‘non-breaking breakpoints’ feature, Rookout can drop in on live applications, isolate component calls and drill down to the individual lines of source code responsible for any apparent defect under interrogation.

While we once considered the instrumentation of code to be a best practice of development, today’s highly distributed cloud-native applications can generate thousands of potential runtime instances and functions, making it nearly impossible to write enough code to get distinguishable logging information back from the production system for debugging purposes, without an intolerable amount of data exhaust or performance hits.

Rookout resolves that ‘you-must-code-to-get-back-code’ paradox, securely showing the developer source code, individual calls and response data, with the ability to associate defects and response actions taken, under the hood of their own observability and service management/issue resolution platforms of choice.


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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug