Is the Future of RPA Promising or Perilous

By Jakob Freund 

I recently participated in a CamundaCon Live panel, led and moderated by Jason Bloomberg at Intellyx, about how enterprises are currently using RPA. My fellow panelists (Vittorio Dal Bianco at Nokia, Marco Einacker at Deutsche Telekom and Paul Jones at NatWest) provided a fascinating look on the benefits and limitations of this much-discussed technology.

During the panel, I gave an analogy to illustrate the issues I’ve seen with RPA implementations:. I have suffered from back problems in the past. When I experienced back pain, that pain then caused my muscles to stiffen, which caused more pain. To help with this, I could take pain medicine, like ibuprofen. However, in order to really get rid of the back pain, I also needed to do physical therapy and modify my diet and this requires discipline. If I hadn’t worked on my physical therapy and diet, I may have solved my problem by taking ibuprofen in the short-term. But ibuprofen didn’t get rid of my back problems in the long-term.

Read the entire article here.