Yugabyte: Wide-open distributed SQL transactional database and platform

Yugabyte DB Intellyx Brain CandyAn Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

Yugabyte is the latest in a new class of Google Spanner-inspired database platforms, uniquely utilizing postgreSQL-style addressability to leverage existing RDBMS assets and transactional data stores as they horizontally scale across public clouds, Kubernetes clusters and private infrastructure.

In many ways, the database was the last item to make it onto the manifest of a cloud-native modernization strategy for enterprises. Early adopters were left to roll their own means of ensuring application statefulness atop largely stateless, ephemeral microservices workloads. This resulted in additional spend on Oracle database infrastructure, or attempting to scale up Cassandra/NoSQL data stores, or periodic performance hits as transactional data is synchronized with monolithic systems of record.

Yugabyte commercializes the community support of the 100% open source YugabyteDB database and its Yugabyte Platform management solution. They tout the expected features a modern application design would call for: ACID-compliant, low latency, infinitely scalable, highly performant cloud-first design, and so on. 

Still, the biggest advantage we see for customers lies in Yugabyte’s ease of data portability, which makes it a uniquely cloud-neutral transactional database deployment and migration option, and their lack of hidden ‘gotcha’ fees and features — you could even grab a free Apache 2.0 license and manage it entirely on your own if you have the will and skill.


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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug