Polyverse: Polymorphic protection from bootloader to application binaries

Polyverse Intellyx BrainCandy logoAn Intellyx BrainCandy Update

Polyverse applies polymorphic encryption to protect systems and applications from attacks, essentially scrambling and diversifying the call structure and nomenclature of all resources at compile and runtime to render vulnerabilities and breaches unsustainable.

When we last visited Polyverse in 2018, they were applying this technique to churn out unique Linux OS instances for developers to use, thereby ‘moving the cheese’ away from hackers expecting to find known open source kernel exploits.

Now with significantly increased funding and solution comprehensiveness, Polyverse has extended its protective coverage to the full application stack, from the GRUB bootloader, to the kernel, all the way to memory, application, and operational package binaries themselves. 

Should a hacker penetrate firewalls, or get a malware bot installed, reproducing even a well-known Windows or iOS exploit once its OS and application structures are scrambled at runtime with 64-bit encryption would be equivalent to guessing the location of a single grain of sand on earth. And doing it again would be just as difficult. 

As software proliferates from personal and enterprise computing resources into millions of interconnected API-driven cloud services and IoT devices, lean runtime polymorphic encryption might become an essential secure design consideration for companies hoping to avoid dealing with breach incident responses after they happen.


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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug