Lightstep: Real-Time Tracing at Scale

An Intellyx Brain Candy Update

Not only do microservices-based applications scale horizontally, but they can also leverage complex interdependencies – both among the microservices themselves, as well as other components of the end-to-end application.

Understanding and mitigating the root causes of issues that crop up in such applications is thus a particularly difficult challenge.

Lightstep addresses this challenge with a scalable tracing offering. Tracing is an important part of the observability story, as it enables both developers and SREs to connect the dots between issues and their underlying causes, especially in applications with complex interdependencies among components.

Lightstep’s important differentiators include the ability to identify root causes of issues at the user device, as well as an architecture that leverages both a SaaS element as well as on-premises data processing in order to deal with massive quantities of data at scale.

We last featured Lightstep in December 2018.

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