Why Understandability is Essential to Every Software Developer

Intellyx BrainBlog for Rookout by Jason Bloomberg

Rookout paper - Understandability“Without understandability… coders are working in the dark – and the risks inherent in introducing new bugs into production are substantial.”

There’s an all-too common scenario in which newly deployed software isn’t behaving as it should and developers have no idea as to why.

‍The time has come to stop working in the dark and find the key element that’s been missing from your team’s workflow.

In this Intellyx Whitepaper, you will learn:

  • What ‘Software Understandability’ is and why it’s an absolute necessity for the modern developer’s workflow.
  • The concept of understandability in different architectures and how it relates to cloud-native software.
  • Why the addition of understandability will eliminate long – and unnecessary – wait times and unproductive work.

> Download and read the whole paper here from Rookout.com. (Registration Required.)