Bridging the Governance Gap: How to Safely Realize the Potential of Citizen Development

By Arjun Jamnadass

The promise of lightning-fast development times with smaller teams—and orders of magnitude smaller budgets—seemed to kick dust in the face of the unanimously accepted constraints affecting every project: time, cost, scope, and quality.

Indeed, in his 2017 article in Forbes, Jason Bloomberg captures the essence of this paradigm shift—“take a traditional enterprise app that might require, say, six months, a dozen people, and two million dollars to build and deploy, and reduce those figures to two weeks, three people, and fifty thousand dollars—and end up with a faster, higher quality, more flexible app to boot…”

Compelling, isn’t it? And so, I embarked on my journey of discovery into LCNC application development platforms. Over the next few years, I worked with numerous multi-national companies, all expressing a deep desire to be more innovative, agile, responsive, and productive, yet all struggling to achieve this in a meaningful way. I worked with senior leaders who were intent on making a difference and together we conducted proof-of-concepts.

Read the entire article here.