Next Pathway gives data warehouses a route to the cloud

By Johnny Yu

Jason Bloomberg, president at analyst and advisory firm Intellyx, said he knows of no direct third-party competitors to Next Pathway, and its biggest competition comes from customers trying to move their data warehouses to the cloud manually. Next Pathway overcomes the difficult challenge of translating interactions within data warehouses to the new cloud environment and focuses on the software that interacts with the data rather than the data itself. This is unique for a third-party tool, according to Bloomberg.

Bloomberg stressed that Next Pathway isn’t something a customer can simply buy and deploy themselves. Much like with a GSI, customers would have to work closely with Next Pathway to plan the migration. Mathur said this planning period takes about eight weeks. The advantage of using Crawler360 and Shift is that it’s faster than a manual migration due to their automatic scanning and translating capabilities.

Bloomberg said Next Pathway has done a good job finding its role, as there is a lot of demand among enterprises to get off their old data warehouse platforms and take advantage of modern technology. Even though this sort of migration is “one-and-done,” Bloomberg claimed there is no shortage of customers who need this. He also pointed out that there are always new target environments to move to, or regulations may change and make current modern environments insufficient for maintaining compliance.

“There are still plenty of companies looking to leave legacy data warehouses — plenty of business to sustain Next Pathway,” Bloomberg said.

Read the entire article here.