Who’s Who in Hybrid Cloud?

By Clelia Arci 

Hybrid Cloud integrates both private and public clouds, enabling tight communication between each distinct cloud. As a result, hybrid cloud functions as one unified infrastructure.

This provides businesses with great flexibility when it comes to moving workload between public and private clouds. Hybrid cloud allows organisations to store their sensitive data in a private cloud while simultaneously having the freedom to store the resources they want to share on a public cloud.

Benefits to hybrid cloud are many: aforementioned flexibility; more reliable backup of data with multiple cloud servers; managed workload spikes with cloud bursting; cost-effectiveness, as private clouds are more expensive and resource-intensive. Hybrid cloud’s ability to scale on-demand allows businesses to implement it in many different ways.

Our Who’s Who report provides you with the most vocal experts online within the hybrid cloud conversation, including cloud migration, cloud security & privacy and Kubernetes, which are substantial sub-topics in the hybrid cloud space.

Cloud Migration
Cloud migration plays a large role within Cloud as a whole. Below
we’ve listed a sample of people driving the Cloud migration

Jason Bloomberg

Read the entire article here.