Buurst: From NAS to Edge Data Platform

An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief

As the software-defined network attached storage (NAS) market matured, low-cost provider SoftNAS decided to roll out a new product and rebrand itself Buurst.

Buurst offers an edge data platform that delivers network acceleration, data transformation, and data aggregation between near edge servers and public clouds.

The network acceleration depends upon secure UDP tunneling that resolves the performance issues of TCP/IP in network-challenged situations like those on the edge.

Buurst’s most important capability, however, is its bidirectional data aggregation and transformation. It can aggregate disparate data from edge nodes, reconciling different formats and filtering as needed.

Buurst deals equally well with text-based data as well as audio and video. Its ability to aggregate and filter video content from the edge is of particular interest to early customers.

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