Krista Update: Driving conversations to business outcomes

Krista logo - Intellyx BrainCandyAn Intellyx Brain Candy Update

The last time we visited Krista (exactly one year ago) the startup demonstrated a process automation system that combined interesting aspects of conversational interfaces, low-code app building workflow, and RPA execution.

Now their Krista product seems to be coming of age with more prebuilt integrations in its catalog, and insights gleaned from processing and solving real business problems in the field. 

Talk to Krista in a chat or Slack interface, and its conversational understanding becomes readily apparent, as it responds with options while maintaining the context of a given user and task — even within discontinuous or long-running processes.

The real AI differentiation of Krista happens in its unique quest for self-reflection, or self-improvement, which enables it to maintain both deterministic and stochastic models for user-led or automated decisions based on observed and expected business outcomes.

For example, say you were to ask Krista about offering a free shipping service for premium customers. Day one, ‘she’ might talk to different services systems of record, and present you with several discovered options for deciding when to make the free offer. In later sessions, you would simply get recommendations instead, with Krista’s predictive ‘degree of confidence’ in the success rate, profitability or customer satisfaction result for each. 

Down the road, Krista could even execute tasks without intervention, if the correct and/or preferred decisions are foregone conclusions based on past human behavior and recent results.

©2021 Intellyx, LLC. At the time of writing, Krista is an Intellyx customer. Want to see more BrainCandy? Subscribe today. Intellyx publishes the Cloud-Native Computing Poster. If you are a vendor seeking coverage from Intellyx, please contact us at


Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug