Infrastructure Automation on IBM Z in Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps 3.4

By Warren Zhou

Why IBM Z?

IBM zSystem mainframes are the most powerful, secure platforms for enterprise transactions in the world. IBM’s infrastructure has always been responsible for running much of the global economy, and that remains true today as organizations transform to deliver digital services. Clients across every industry have come to rely on the computing power and resiliency of IBM’s infrastructure to address ongoing challenges like IT complexity, data management and cyber threats. Regardless of the cloud technologies involved, IBM’s ability to help process, integrate, store and secure client data efficiently and seamlessly is unmatched.

According to a recent report by Intellyx:

“The mainframe must be central to an AIOps adoption effort not because it is somehow more important than the rest of the stack, but simply because it is an essential element of most business-critical workflows.”

Read the entire article here.