Splunk: Betting on OpenTelemetry and cloud native observability

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Splunk is continuing its growth plans from its traditional market leadership in enterprise search and security by increasing its investments in observability, not just through several acquisitions to expand its Observability Cloud breadth of functionality, but by committing resources to help build out the open source underpinnings of cloud native observability. 

“When Kubernetes started to gain traction, it was always focused on scaling compute, but now that it’s everywhere, there’s an exciting new industry focus on observability,” said Morgan McLean, Director of Product Management at Splunk and an early contributor to the OpenTelemetry project, at KubeCon NA 2022 in Detroit.

”You have cloud infrastructure for compute and storage, and Docker containers, and many other building blocks that are great for deploying microservices with ease at extreme scale, but that’s just part of the story now. If they break, you need to understand how they work, and how to fix them.” 

With more than 800 active contributors, OpenTelemetry is currently the second-most-active project under incubation within the CNCF, and participation from Splunk and vendors of all sizes in the cloud native observability community has been a real bright spot toward providing transparent, portable telemetry data and tooling for any analytics, development and operations work.

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Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug