Dynamic Certificate Pinning for Secure Mobile Communication

BrainBlog for Approov by Eric Newcomer

This is the final article in a guest blog series from Intellyx. Find the full series here.

A “man in the middle” (MitM) attack is one of the most serious types of attacks on the Internet. An MitM attack has the capability to divert or copy an entire flow of messages and steal login credentials, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, social security numbers, and generate denial of service attacks.

It’s the main reason HTTPS is so widely used to securely encrypt HTTP traffic and help prevent such an attack.

The legacy of unsecure Internet traffic is why many people (such as my mother for example) still don’t trust websites and mobile apps to keep their credit card and banking transactions safe.

Encrypting traffic using Transport Layer Security (TLS), as HTTPS does, prevents many MitM attacks, but of course cybercriminals are always upping their game and finding new ways to launch profitable MitM attacks.

Click here to read the entire article.