Digital disruption at TM Forum’s DTW24-Ignite conference

The Telemanagement Forum bills itself as a driving force for digital transformation for telecommunications companies and the technology vendors that serve them. This transformation was prevalent across the TM Forum’s DTW24-Ignite flagship conference in Copenhagen this week.

I interviewed several vendors at the conference and boiled down my list to nine of the most disruptive.

Many of them are disrupting the staid business support system or BSS market, a longstanding category of customer-facing technology for telcos. Digital transformation has upended the BSS market. Simplicity and value-added services are the name of the game for today’s telephony consumers.

Another related market segment in the throes of disruption: monetization platforms. Scratch any telco carrier and you’ll find a billing engine at its heart – and today, they all want to bill for numerous add-on and third-party services. Handling the full lifecycle for such services is now big business.

My third group of vendors: standouts in their respective areas, including security, data warehouse and – no article would be complete without it – artificial intelligence.

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