InfluxData: Partnership with AWS and Standardizing the Stack

An Intellyx Brain Candy Update

Since we last spoke with InfluxData, they have inked a partnership with AWS and standardized significant portions of their stack to improve focus on engineering an industry leading time-series database. 

The partnership with AWS offers the open source InfluxDB as a managed service, which is an interesting move for AWS, since they are better known for offering their own managed service for an OSS product. 

The managed service offering is called Amazon Timestream for InfluxDB, allowing AWS customers to run single instance OSS InfluxDB within the AWS console. making it a strategic time-series DB offering. 

InfluxData is also adopting OSS technologies that simplify InfluxDB’s integration with applications and other databases, improve ingestion performance, optimize queries, and simplify distributed deployment and operations.  

They call this transition toward standardization around the core time-series DB engine FDAP, which stands for Apache Arrow Flight, Apache Data Fusion, Apache Arrow, and Apache Parquet.

Adopting these open source solutions for the query engine, network protocol, memory format, and storage format, respectively, effectively standardizes the ecosystem around the InfluxDB engine, focusing their engineering efforts on improving the core DB engine. 

InfluxData offers InfluxDB is an open core OSS product, adding enterprise features for native SQL support, separating storage and compute (offering object storage for reduced cost), cardinality to simplify AI processing, and integration with data lakehouses.

In addition to the Parquet storage format, InfluxDB offers the Tabular open table format for direct data lakehouse ingestion (i.e. avoiding transformations). 

Copyright © Intellyx BV. Intellyx is an industry analysis and advisory firm focused on enterprise digital transformation. Covering every angle of enterprise IT from mainframes to artificial intelligence, our broad focus across technologies allows business executives and IT professionals to connect the dots among disruptive trends. InfluxData is a former Intellyx customer. No AI was used to produce this article. To be considered for a Brain Candy article, email us at