Analyst Guide: Mastering Modern DevOps Performance – Faros.AI

FarosAI Devops AG IntellyxAn Intellyx Analyst Guide for Faros.AI

The concept of measuring the performance of software development teams is nothing new. Productivity has never been more important, as the companies that fail to develop new features to meet customer needs quicker than their competition, will likely quickly fail.

Unfortunately, different teams and individual engineers have entirely different ideas of what performance means. How can we understand the speed and quality tradeoffs of balancing efficiency and innovation, while eliminating unproductive, morale-killing toil from software development orgs? Perhaps AI-augmented DevOps processes can get us into a better rhythm and flow.

This 4-part Intellyx Analyst Guide will help readers understand how to master DevOps performance objectives.

Download the guide here (no registration required).



Principal Analyst & CMO, Intellyx. Twitter: @bluefug