America’s Blockshow started with the debate Crypto vs Wall Street


The panel was led by the editor for TechCrunch, Mike Butcher, and featured five experts in finance and cryptocurrency including Jason Bloomberg, a renowned IT analysts and contributor at Forbes, Alex Mashinsky, Celsius Network’s CEO, and Rich Gupta, the Titan exchange’s CEO.

Rich Gupta tackled the first question, which sought to establish when Wall Street and crypto industries will merge, with the observation that the “mergence is happening right before us”.Gupta said that blockchain technology, as the driving force behind the cryptocurrency, is being employed by a notable number of companies. The Titan CEO went on to cite settlement processes and backend development as the major areas in which blockchain technology is being employed to advance various companies operations.

Alex Mashinsky brought about the importance of having well established financial institutions thoroughly familiarized with digital currencies and have the know-how to “interact with the technology.” He went on to assert that without this critical step, it’s hard for the crypto world to“have any progress”.

Mashinsky elaborated further by bringing his experience to the panel’s attention where he recalled the outcome of a research effort which brought 250 compliance officers from leading financial institutions. He brought up the striking revelation that there wasn’t any representative within the group that owned any digital asset.

Jason Bloomberg challenged Gupta’s view with the argument that cryptocurrencies’ “permissionless” nature makes them a “time bomb” and an “arm of organized crime” thus keeping Wall street away.

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