Thinkers360 Predictions Series – 2022 Predictions for Digital Transformation

By Estefania V. Sembergman

I believe that 2022 will be the year that edge computing begins to impact enterprise digital initiatives in a serious way. Multiple technology trends contribute to this transformation, including the Internet of Things, the continuing rollout of 5G, and cloud-native computing on the edge. The convergence of these trends will give enterprises entirely new opportunities for transformative business models that will change the way they meet the needs of customers.

–    Jason Bloomberg, President at Intellyx

Despite claims to the contrary, the pandemic was not the great instigator of digital transformation. While it did accelerate technology transformation in the form of organizations moving things to the cloud or supporting remote work, I would argue that it was actually an inhibitor to true digital transformation — especially as much of the pandemic-induced technology transformation was internally focused. The good news, however, is that the rapid pace of change over the last year and a half — and the largely positive outcomes as a result — is making it easier for progressive enterprise leaders to take on more ambitious digital transformation efforts in 2022. Most importantly, these more authentic efforts will be customer- and experientially-focused. But I also expect that it will only be a fraction of organizations and leaders that seize this opportunity. Most will let it pass and will suffer the consequences as a result.

–    Charles Araujo, Keynote Speaker, Tech Industry Analyst & Author at Charles Araujo International, LLC

Read the entire article here.