Codestral: A Step Closer to AI-Driven Coding for the Masses

Article for The New Stack by Darryl Taft

Codestral is seen as a steppingstone towards empowering everyone with code generation and understanding, It is the latest salvo in the long-running battle for AI-created application code tooling.

Codestral is the latest salvo in the long-running battle for AI-created application code tooling, said Jason Bloomberg, an analyst at Intellyx. Today, such tools are in the hands of professional developers who can properly prompt the AI and then evaluate the quality of the resulting code, he said.

However, “Putting such powerful tools in the hands of non-technical users, however, won’t have these advantages, potentially leading to poor quality code or code that may have intrinsic quality but nevertheless doesn’t align with its business purpose,” Bloomberg told The New Stack. “Longer term, AI-generated code will ostensibly reduce the need for professional developers, leading to a shift away from the profession and thus a loss in ability to evaluate AI-generated code overall – to everyone’s detriment.”

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