By Scaled Agile, Inc. . . . select a winning contractor and then expect them to deliver on the requirements within the specified time frame…
By ¡Opciones siempre significan elecciones! ¿Qué es SD-WAN? Jason Bloomberg, escribiendo para Forbesdice, The reason why the SD-WAN space is so hot, is because it represents…
French translation of a TechTarget article Gestion des API et livraison d’applications cloud natives Les plates-formes low-code pour la gestion des API, qui est le…
By Stephanie Glen API management and cloud-native application delivery Low-code platforms for API management, which is the process of securely creating, overseeing and controlling APIs, and…
By Opções sempre significam escolhas! O que é SD-WAN? Jason Bloomberg, escrevendo para Forbesdiz, The reason why the SD-WAN space is so hot, is because it…
By Az opciók mindig választási lehetőséget jelentenek! Mi az SD-WAN? Jason Bloomberg, a következőnek ír Forbesmondja, The reason why the SD-WAN space is so hot, is…
By Možnosti vždy znamenají volby! Co je SD-WAN? Jason Bloomberg, psaní pro Forbesříká, The reason why the SD-WAN space is so hot, is because it represents…
Pillir post Pillir is filling the technical talent gap required for creating SaaS and cloud-based supply chain transformations with a ‘Lego-block-like’ drag and drop functional application…
By 能源生活网 低代码技术的供应商市场很拥挤:Sstartup 在二月份推出了其无代码平台,以帮助用户构建AI驱动的应用程序。同月,初创公司Mage推出了其低代码AI开发工具,该工具可帮助组织生成模型。Cogniteam于5月9日宣布了其最新的低代码AI更新,重点是机器人技术。低代码领域的其他知名供应商包括Appian和Mendix,它们都具有不同程度的AI支持能力。 “低代码代表了人工智能驱动的应用程序开发在复杂的服务和数据源网络之上的主要增长领域,”Intellyx LLC首席分析师Jason English告诉VentureBeat。“降低技术进入壁垒,可以将业务专业知识应用于ML培训,自动化和推理任务。 迭代旨在实现差异化 Iterate首席技术官Brian Sathianathan告诉VentureBeat,他的公司平台与市场上其他低代码技术的差异化方式之一是特定的行业用例模板。 Read the entire article here.
By BMC Software In a new Intellyx white paper sponsored by BMC, Why DataOps is the Missing Piece of Your Cloud Migration Puzzle, analyst Charles Araujo…