Swedish translation of a vFunction press release ”Med tanke på komplexiteten och det ömsesidiga beroendet hos dagens flerskiktiga applikationsområden måste CIO:er och teknikledare prioritera sina…
By Carly Cohen Low-code application development myths If this is your first episode, the series is focused on myth-busting the misconceptions around low-code application development. Throughout this…
vFunction press release “Given the complexity and interdependence of today’s multi-layered application estates, CIOs and technology leaders need to prioritize their modernization efforts before they…
By Smarten Spaces A powerful AI-driven platform that brings the workplace and workforce together Smarten Spaces is a global SaaS company that offers a complete…
By Ernie Smith How Can Low-Code Development Minimize IT Backlogs? The true benefit of low-code development for banks lies in how much it can do…
By Jon Gitlin This concept directly applies to automation. Automating a task can bring about efficiency gains and time savings (and automating several tasks amplifies these…
By Onalytica Social Amplifiers This sample highlights influencers who are driving the most engagement on Twitter, posting regularly on the topic and sharing other people’s…
Portuguese translation of an article by Arjun Jamnadass A promessa de tempos de desenvolvimento extremamente rápidos com equipes menores – e orçamentos muito menores – parecia…
By Excel函数 Cosmonic是基于WebBaseMeX的微服务分布式应用框架背后的公司,近日它宣布CNCF)已经接受了wasmCloud作为其最新的沙盒项目。 Cosmonic创始人Liam Randall表示,他相信WebAssembly(WASM)是分布式计算的未来:“WebAssembly在企业中的重要性和普遍性会与容器一样。” Randall补充道,wasmCloud于去年11月推出,提供了一个默认安全、无样板文件的开发环境,该环境将使用云原生技术与WASM相结合,以构建和部署可插入到多云、多边缘和多浏览器环境中的可组合应用程序。 Intellyx首席分析师兼首席营销官Jason English表示:“我们还只是初步了解WASM将走向何方,我们将看到更多人关注WASM,试点案例将在年底出现。WebAssembly技术在将现有应用程序代码现代化为可在任何浏览器中与JavaScript一起运行的响应更快、性能更高、可移植的应用程序方面具有巨大的潜力。使用浏览器支持的资源执行非常复杂形式的业务逻辑将可能实现,但目前WASM几乎没有开始用于图形和处理器密集型应用,如虚拟现实和游戏。” 然而,wasmCloud联合创始人兼技术负责人Kevin Hoffman在一份声明中表示:“云计算中的WebAssembly已经被蓬勃发展的开源项目生态系统所推动,我们站在巨人的肩膀上。通过向CNCF捐赠wasmCloud,我们希望为社区的发展做出贡献,并加快wasmCloud的采用。” Read the entire article here.
Skuid press release Combined with a design-led approach, Skuid customers are leveraging these enhancements to drive impact across their organizations. Recent customer successes include: Revenue…