On June 3rd, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) dropped from $8,451 to $7,886 in ninety minutes, a drop of 7%. Thanks to the intrepid Redditor…
Earlier this month (May 2019), two mining groups joined together and mounted a successful 51% attack on the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) crypto. Perhaps you heard…
Let’s play a game. Here’s how it works. I’m running the game in a room full of hundreds or even thousands of people, all of…
There are basically two kinds of people in the crypto world today: scammers and their marks. Not a scammer? Well, then, you’re a mark. If…
几周前,Bitwise资产管理公司发布了一份报告,该报告得出的结论是,领先交易所95%的加密货币交易都是假的(参见麻省理工学院技术评测文章或华尔街日报的文章摘要结果)。 我想问一下这个问题:为什么加密货币交易所想要产生虚假交易? 交易所希望用户和投资者认为他们的业务正在蓬勃发展。没有一个交易所希望人们意识到加密货币交易的数量远远超过炒作会让你相信的。 交易所希望增加矿机的收入。假交易(例如,一方自行交易)仍然算作矿机的交易。把未加工的加密货币想象成一家银行,只有前面没有安保人员。矿机可以用代币跑掉什么?你明白了:假交易。 交易所希望支持加密货币去中心化的虚构,或者权力下放是切实可行的。实际上… 阅读全文:https://0xzx.com/20190510051464508.html(来自0x资讯) Read the entire article here.
A few weeks ago, Bitwise Asset Management released a report that concluded that as much of 95% of the crypto trades at leading exchanges are fake…
在比特币的所有属性中,总是看起来最神奇的一个是矿机如何通过比特币获得报酬似乎无处不在。胡言乱语 随着比特币(或任何其他工作证明加密货币)的价值上升,奖励也是如此。就像能够打印自己的钱一样,对吗? Read the entire article at https://0xzx.com/20190503172756318.html. Jason Bloomberg neither owns, nor plans to own, any cryptocurrency or other cryptotoken, either long or short.
Of all the properties of Bitcoin, the one that always seemed the most magical was how miners got paid in Bitcoin seemingly out of nowhere.…
By Margarita Starkina Чем же хороша криптовалюта? Давайте спросим у северокорейцев. Сбор средств от преступной деятельности и уклонение от санкций являются двумя из наиболее знаковых…
What is cryptocurrency really good for? Let’s ask the North Koreans. Raising funds from criminal activities and evading sanctions are two of North Korea’s most…