By Darren Cunningham If you’re interested in enterprise IT architecture, chances are you’ve heard of Jason Bloomberg. The president of Intellyx, which is “the first and only…
By Robert Cordray Cloud based architecture Today, numerous businesses utilize cloud based architecture to assist them in managing their online assets. The use of a cloud…
By Alexandra Levit If bimodal IT doesn’t fly, what should IT departments do instead? Wainewright cited analyst Jason Bloomberg, who advised that IT convergence is…
By Jason Bloomberg ビジネスとITを一体化させるために生まれた、エンタープライズアーキテクト(EA)という職業。しかし彼らの多くはIT部門の窓際に追いやられているのが現状だ。デジタル・コンサルティングファームIntellyx社の社長が、EAの本来の役割を生かし、デジタル化を進める方法を語る。 Read the entire article at
By Paul Jones This brief article helps to clear up a common misconception about Bitcoin. Bitcoin is frequently portrayed as the chosen currency of crooks.…
By InfinIT Consulting With bimodal IT, you create separate teams, which results in disconnecting the two modes and lowers the overall quality of communication. Different…
By Liz McMillan Today, microservices and containers go hand in hand – only the details of “container-oriented architecture” are largely on the drawing board –…
La estrategia Bimodal NO es la bala de plata. Es tan sólo un paso intermedio hacia la introducción de prácticas como DevOps. A final de…
The initial integration will automatically generate an issue in JIRA Software when Compuware Abend-AID or Compuware Strobe detect a problem. Any developer then tasked with…
By John Friscia Agile Away Here are the chief problems Bloomberg sees with agile and its most successful offspring, scrum: The numerous complaints about Agile include…