1. Why is it so important for tech companies to embrace the cloud? “Cloud” is a rather nebulous marketing term that comprises many different approaches…
By Deepak Seth Redux comes to us from the Latin reducere – to lead back. And, that’s what I was reminded of when Jason Bloomberg touched a raw…
By Adrian Grigoriu Jason Bloomberg writes or more appropriately quotes a few architects on Forbes on the role of EA in “Is Enterprise Architecture Completely Broken?“. Jason…
The art of retargeting utilizing big data is nothing new—and yes, it can be a little bit “creepy,” as Jason Bloomberg explains in a recent…
P A R T I C I P A N T S: • Geoff Arnold, Cisco • Dr John Bates, Software AG • Emil Berthelsen, Machina…
+Forbes contributor +Jason Bloomberg with +Intellyx has a great piece about the details of this struggle, and what #cybersecurity must do as a result: It’s getting increasingly difficult…
According to the recent Forbes article by Jason Bloomberg, Innovation: The Flip Side of Resilience, “resilient organizations and innovative organizations share essential core competencies.” The…
By Mat Mathews Forbes contributor Jason Bloomberg felt that the Fiber Mountain launch was the pinnacle of excitement at this year’s Interop conference in New…
By Francis Lash One of the mantras of Agile development teams is to do “just good enough” to get the job done. This is what…
In a recent article in Forbes, Jason Bloomberg asks if Enterprise Architecture (EA) is “completely broken”. He reckons it is, and that EA frameworks, such…