
Blockchain is a technology for storing data on a distributed ledger (DLT) network as transactions in a cryptographically secured chain, with each block confirmed by a consensus among all participating nodes or authorities in the chain, and immutably recorded thereafter. Blockchain is often associated with bitcoin, Ethereum or other cryptocurrencies, but while digital currencies often use a blockchain network to allow the exchange of value, the technology has other uses beyond tokenized value and cryptocurrency.

Related terms: Bitcoin, consensus, cryptocurrency, DLT, distributed ledger, Ethereum, Hyperledger, decentralization, digital currency, private blockchain, public blockchain

Intellyx Articles on Blockchain


Blockchain is a technology for storing data on a distributed ledger (DLT) network as transactions in a cryptographically secured chain, with each block confirmed by a consensus among all participating nodes or authorities in the chain, and immutably recorded thereafter. Blockchain is often associated with bitcoin, Ethereum or other cryptocurrencies, but while digital currencies often use a blockchain network to allow the exchange of value, the technology has other uses beyond tokenized value and cryptocurrency.

Related terms: Bitcoin, consensus, cryptocurrency, DLT, distributed ledger, Ethereum, Hyperledger, decentralization, digital currency, private blockchain, public blockchain

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