Thought Leadership Finder > Databases
Databases are at the heart of any and all forms of enterprise software, and data is the lifeblood of any business. Databases can range from simple CSV files and spreadsheets, to huge relational databases from Oracle and Microsoft, to highly distributed SQL and NoSQL style databases like mongoDB and Fauna. Many other solutions have specialized databases for purposes such as analytics, time-series, graph, and distributed ledgers like blockchain.
Intellyx Articles on Databases
Databases are at the heart of any and all forms of enterprise software, and data is the lifeblood of any business. Databases can range from simple CSV files and spreadsheets, to huge relational databases from Oracle and Microsoft, to highly distributed SQL and NoSQL style databases like mongoDB and Fauna. Many other solutions have specialized databases for purposes such as analytics, time-series, graph, and distributed ledgers like blockchain.