Ah, summer. Time to take a well-deserved break and go somewhere. And since flying to many of the places we’d like to visit would be…
Analyst column for SiliconANGLE by Jason English We can look back on the recent virtual KubeCon/CloudNativeCon 2020 event as marking the inflection point of Kubernetes becoming…
Boil down information technology to its basic elements, and what do you get? Bits on a wire (or whizzing through the air, as the case…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief We share a high-level outlook with Uground, an emergent no-code company from Spain. In the next five years, many enterprise…
Remember Mad Libs? You’d get a book that contained paragraphs with key words missing, replaced with hints as to what might fill the blanks. You…
32. 47. 19. 7. 85. Congratulations! I just gave you five very important, valuable numbers. Or did I? If they were tomorrow’s winning Powerball numbers,…