An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief CognitiveScale offers an artificial intelligence (AI) platform that focuses on supporting the ability to build AI-supported or ‘cognitive’ business processes…
Translation by infosws 文章摘要:尽管AI前途广阔,但在发展过程中也遇到了一些发展痛点。如果人们不知道AI是如何做出决策的,那么人们就不会信任AI。 尽管AI前途广阔,但在发展过程中也遇到了一些发展痛点。除了笔者在之前文章中提及过的偏见问题,还有一个“黑匣子”问题:如果人们不知道AI是如何做出决策的,那么人们就不会信任AI。 事实上,缺乏信任是很多AI技术失败的关键,如IBM Watson,尤其是Watson for Oncology。 专家们很快就知道了问题所在。“IBM尝试向癌症医生推广他们的超级计算机程序,但是这是一个公关灾难,”谷歌UX研究人员兼 Avantgarde Analytics的创始人Vyacheslav Polonski(博士)说道:“Watson for Oncology的问题仅仅在于医生并不信任它。” 当Watson的结果和外科医生得出的结果一致时,它能够证实这一情况;当Watson的结果和医生的不一致时,医生只会认为它是错误的。 如果医生知道它是如何做出结论的,那么结果可能会大相径庭。“对于大多数人来说,AI的决策过程通常都是很难理解的,”Polonski说道:“和我们不理解的事物互动会导致人们产生焦虑,就好像我们失控了。” Read the entire article at
Despite its promise, the growing field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is experiencing a variety of growing pains. In addition to the problem of bias I…
By Eft As this year’s report makes abundantly clear, a lot is changing in the modern logistics industry. This change – and the increasing rate…
An Intellyx Brain Candy Brief Let’s say you’re driving on a city street, and you take a photo through the windshield. At the far left…
By Jan Stafford Embedding intelligence into business applications requires specialized knowledge and teams of data scientists, said Charles Araujo, principal analyst for Intellyx, a consulting firm…
“On two occasions I have been asked, ‘Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?’” wrote…
It is a challenging and tumultuous time of continuous change for enterprises. But change also creates significant opportunities for those who can see — and…
When it comes to technology, I’m an optimistic fellow. Not only do I believe the ongoing innovation in tech is inexorable, I’d go so far…
By CSDN 摘要: 去年年初,微软公司推出了一款名为DeepCoder的机器学习系统,同时宣称该系统具有自我编码的能力,这一举动又将人工智能的发展向前推进了一步。 正如人工智能是建立在众多机器学习或深度学习方法之上一样,DeepCoder创建的代码也是基于大量现有代码示例,研究人员通常会用这些代码进行系统的训练。 去年年初,微软公司推出了一款名为DeepCoder的机器学习系统,同时宣称该系统具有自我编码的能力,这一举动又将人工智能的发展向前推进了一步。 正如人工智能是建立在众多机器学习或深度学习方法之上一样,DeepCoder创建的代码也是基于大量现有代码示例,研究人员通常会用这些代码进行系统的训练。 其结果是:DeepCoder编写的软件汇集了部分其它人工编写的程序,著名的杂志《连线》将这称之为“掠取其它软件”。 当然,尽管DeepCoder存在不尽如人意的地方,但该让软件自己进行应用程序编写这项研究仍旧是一项具有非凡的工作,也有着令整个数字世界为之振奋的前景。 Read the entire article at